North American First People's Day
Inaugural Year
Walk the Portage Path
On Monday, October 1, 2018, North American First People Day was recognized with the third annual walk of the Path, and involved students from The Lippman School, the Akron Public Schools’ Portage Path CLC, young people from the Northern Cheyenne Nation.
The walk began at 1:00 PM at Portage Path CLC, 55 S. Portage Path and was led by members of the Northern Cheyenne Nation of Montana, who were drumming and dressed in regalia. The walk crossed West Exchange Street and ended at the Perkins Stone Mansion, 550 Copley Road. There was a short program that will include drumming and singing.
The Portage Path – Akron’s oldest landmark and a tribute to the Native people who first occupied the land here – was celebrated in a series of events. Thursday, September 27, 2018 through
Monday, October 1, 2018
Akron’s first “North American First People’s Day”
The weekend of events included:
An exhibit and sale of Iroquoian Art, by Peter Jones(Onondaga/Seneca) and exhibits of North American Indian Life from the Oelschlager Collection, University of Akron Institute of Human Science & Culture
Shaw Jewish Community Center
750 White Pond Drive. Free Admission.
Thursday, Sept. 27, 5pm – 9pm
Saturday, Sept. 29, 12pm – 5pm
Sunday, Sept. 30, 12pm – 4pm
A lecture and discussion, “The Archaeology of the Portage Path,” Dr. Brian Redmond, Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Thursday, Sept. 27, 7:30pm, Auditorium, Shaw JCC, 750 White Pond Drive. Free admission.
Artist’s Talk, Peter Jones. Free admission.
Sunday, Sept. 30, 12:00pm – 2:00pm, Intersection of Merriman Road and North Portage Path
Native American Foods Dinner
Sunday, Sept. 30, 4:00pm -6:00pm, Outdoor Pavilion, Schultz Campus for Jewish Life
750 White Pond Drive
Read more about the dinner from Ohio.com HERE
A Sincere Thanks to Our Generous
Sponsors and Patrons
Eagle Sponsor
Oelschlager Foundation
Hawk Sponsor
Gertrude Orr Foundation
The Lippman School
Magpie Sponsor
The Garfinkle Family
Cardinal Sponsor
Akron/Summit Convention & Visitors Bureau
APV Engineered Coatings
Robert Briggs
Evie Chestnut
Dove Sponsor
Dr. Jeffrey and Jackie Ponsky
The City of Akron
Dr. Mary Hickcox & David Kern
Drs. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology
Rochelle Stone
Jeff Fusc

Photos by Akron Beacon Journal